1·In those that they manage, they get 12.5% of gross revenues, an attractive slice.
2·Most optometrists practices generate only approximately 20% of their gross revenues from profession services.
3·Many royalty calculations are based upon gross revenues from some point of valuation, usually the last valve off of a production or at the boundary of a field or license area.
4·In Mr Cruise's case, his ability to "open" any film by drawing an audience means studios will bid for his services and he gains a share of gross revenues, amounting to tens of millions of dollars.
5·One difference you will often see is the cost of revenues applied directly against the revenues and a calculation of a net amount of revenues minus cost of revenues, which is called gross margin.
6·Federal revenues are running at 16 percent of gross domestic product, spending at 27 percent.
7·Gross profit is calculated as revenues minus cost of sales.
8·Slightly more than 15% of its gross output comes from the sector, as did more than one-third of its tax revenues last year.
9·Since 55% of the top-selling paid apps are games, Apple could generate as much as $1.6 billion in gross game revenues this year.
10·Sacconaghi expects that either of the devices would grab three percent of the non-smartphone market, while gaining significant revenues and gross profits for each device.